


Benjamin David Fish

Twitch URL


Date of birth

February 4, 2004

Born in


Current country


Current city


Marital status


Main game



NRG Esports


cat called Magic

Leaderboard ranking

click here

How they got into gaming

BenjyFishy has been into video games ever since he first started playing call of Duty with his older brother when he was seven.

How they got into streaming

He first started comepting in competitive CoD iwhen he was ten years old, and even won a few of them as he got older. This inspired him to pursue a pro-gaming career when he grew up, and so he began grinding Fortnite seriously in March 2012. He eventually met MrSavage in-game and the two of them decided to begnning grinding duos together in November 2018. This is also when he began streaming his gameplays on Twitch. In early 2019, they began winning online tournaments, which helped to boost both of their channels significantly. By March 2019, they were signed on with NRG Esports, which was als o around the time that the Fortnite World Cup Finals were announced. His mom saw that he really had the potential to do well, and so encouraged him to begin home-schooling in order to give him more time to improve at Fortnite. He went on to qualify for both the duos and solo cups, where he placed 14th and 9th respectively, thereby winning $100,000 USD total.

Stream overview

BenjyFishy is known for his high-level skills, ability to remain calm under pressure and quick-thinking during fights. Two of the other major factors that really helped to boost his popularity were his qualifying for both the Solo and Duo fortnite finals and the fact that he did so when he has just turned sixteen years old.
