


Lauri Happonen

Twitch URL


Date of birth

November 15, 1994

Born in

Järvenpää, Suomia

Current country


Current city

Järvenpää, Suomia

Main game

League of Legends

Leaderboard ranking

click here

Greatest achievement

  • 1st - IEM Season VI New York - 2016
  • 1st - Riot Season 1 World Championship - 2011

How they got into gaming

Cyanide has been maining Leoague of Legends since he was around 15 and began participating in online tournaments soon after. He joined Fnatic's pro team in 2011 and remained with them until he retired in December 2014.

How they got into streaming

He started streaming as soon as he retired from the pro-league, in the hopes of making it as a full time streamer. He retired from streaming on Twitch in early 2019 in favor of streaming on YouTube.

Stream overview

He made a name for himself during his time as a pro-LOL competitor with Fnatic. He is known for his willingness to make sacrifices for the sake of his teammates as a support jungler. Stream-wise, he is known for being laid back and his sense of humor.