


Paulo Vizcarra

Twitch URL


Date of birth

July 28, 1986

Main game

League of Legends, StarCraft, Variety


ROOT Gaming


Dog named Cosita Vizcarra.

Gamertag origin

His friends gave him the Peruvian moniker, ROOTCatZ. It comes from his last name, "Vizcarra," which they changed to "Vizcacha" as a wordplay. Vizchachas are a particular kind of rodent found in Peru that belong to the Chinchillidae family. From there, it was abbreviated to "catcha," and one of his friends started calling him "CatZ," pretending to be unsure of how to pronounce ROOTCatZ. He's not really that into actual cats, but eventually it caught on, and everyone started calling him "CatZ."

How they got into gaming

(SC2) during the game's open beta in 2010 and swiftly made the decision to create their own North American team. At the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, he earned a Bachelor's degree in Media Arts and Animation before deciding to focus solely on a gaming career.

How they got into streaming

In 2010, RootCatz first took part in competitions for professional gamers. Around that time, he also began streaming on Due to this and his talent, he was invited to the Invitational in 2011, and ever since, he has been streaming and competing in professional tournaments. But he didn't begin posting videos to YouTube until November 15, 2011. He and Drewby picked up SC2 skills quickly, and they started looking for other talented players to join their new team. When Root Gaming was founded in 2012, he relocated to the South Florida home of the company and has remained there ever since. He began working as a StarCraft 2 consultant for Blizzard in July 2018.