




Mason Bradfort

Twitch URL


Date of birth

August 20, 1998

Current country


Main game

Rust, Variety

Gamertag origin

Zuckles came up with it while playing Minecraft.

How they got into gaming

When Zuckles was in seventh grade, he made his first IRL video because it was popular among kids his age at the time. He was a big fan of PewDiePie and tried to imitate him a little in his first introductions. He purchased Rust in 2013 after watching a few of @Marplier's YouTube videos and thinking it looked fun, and he began creating content for it instead. He and his brother were so addicted that they skipped school to play. Although he was active on his channel, it wasn't until he started streaming with @Faceless that his channel really took off.

How they got into streaming

He had enough subscribers by the time he graduated from high school to justify pursuing a full-time career as a streamer. He switched to Fortnite in 2017 after becoming bored with Rust. He has since evolved into a more diverse streamer, and can be found playing CS:GO, Minecraft, and World of Warcraft.